Register Yourself for ReactJs Training


Week 1: Intro | JSX | Events | State | Component | Forms
  • Introduction to ReactJS Downlaod Notes
  • What is ReactJS?
  • Advantages of using React
  • Setting up the development environment
  • Creating a basic React application
  • ReactJS Directory Structure Downlaod Notes
  • ReactJS Directory Structure
  • Directory Structure Explanation
  • Example Code Structure
  • JSX and Components Downlaod Notes
  • Understanding JSX
  • Creating functional components
  • Props and state
  • Handling Events and Conditional Rendering Downlaod Notes
  • Handling events in React
  • Conditional rendering
  • Lists and keys
  • State Management Downlaod Notes
  • Introduction to useState hook
  • Managing state in functional components
  • Lifting state up
  • Function Component Lifecycle Downlaod Notes
  • Component lifecycle methods
  • useEffect hook for side effects
  • Fetching data from APIs
  • Forms and Inputs Downlaod Notes
  • Controlled components
  • Handling form submissions
  • Validation

Week 2: Advanced ReactJS Concepts | Context API | Hooks | Routing | Styling | Code Splitting
  • Context API Downlaod Notes
  • Introduction to Context API
  • Creating and using context
  • Updating context
  • Advanced Hooks Downlaod Notes
  • useReducer for complex state management
  • Custom hooks
  • useRef for DOM manipulation
  • Routing with React Router
  • Introduction to React Router
  • Setting up routes
  • Nested routes and navigation
  • Styling in React
  • CSS-in-JS with styled-components
  • CSS modules
  • Integrating with CSS frameworks
  • Code Splitting and Lazy Loading
  • Introduction to code splitting
  • React.lazy and Suspense
  • Dynamic imports
  • Error Boundaries
  • Handling errors in React
  • Creating error boundaries

Week 3: Introduction to NextJS | Pages and Routing | Data Fetching | API Routes | Styling in NextJS
  • Introduction to NextJS Downlaod Notes
  • What is NextJS?
  • Differences between ReactJS and NextJS
  • Setting up a NextJS project
  • Pages and Routing in NextJS Downlaod Notes
  • Creating pages in NextJS
  • Dynamic routing
  • Link component for navigation
  • Data Fetching in NextJS Downlaod Notes
  • getStaticProps
  • getServerSideProps
  • getStaticPaths
  • API Routes Downlaod Notes
  • Creating API routes
  • Handling requests and responses
  • Integrating with external APIs
  • Styling in NextJS
  • Using CSS and Sass in NextJS
  • CSS-in-JS with styled-jsx
  • Tailwind CSS integration
  • Image Optimization Downlaod Notes
  • Using the Image component
  • Optimizing images for performance

Week 4: Advanced NextJS Concepts and Deployment | SSG | SSR | Authentication | SEO
  • Static Site Generation (SSG) Downlaod Notes
  • Understanding SSG
  • Building static sites with NextJS
  • Incremental Static Regeneration (ISR)
  • Server-Side Rendering (SSR) Downlaod Notes
  • Understanding SSR
  • Implementing SSR in NextJS
  • Authentication Downlaod Notes
  • Implementing authentication in NextJS
  • Using Custom Hooks for authentication
  • Analytics and SEO Downlaod Notes
  • Adding analytics to your NextJS app
  • SEO best practices

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