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07:00-08:00 AM
06:00-07:00 PM
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Week 1: Intro | JSX | Events | State | Component | Forms
Introduction to ReactJS
Downlaod Notes
What is ReactJS?
Advantages of using React
Setting up the development environment
Creating a basic React application
ReactJS Directory Structure
Downlaod Notes
ReactJS Directory Structure
Directory Structure Explanation
Example Code Structure
JSX and Components
Downlaod Notes
Understanding JSX
Creating functional components
Props and state
Handling Events and Conditional Rendering
Downlaod Notes
Handling events in React
Conditional rendering
Lists and keys
State Management
Downlaod Notes
Introduction to useState hook
Managing state in functional components
Lifting state up
Function Component Lifecycle
Downlaod Notes
Component lifecycle methods
useEffect hook for side effects
Fetching data from APIs
Forms and Inputs
Downlaod Notes
Controlled components
Handling form submissions
Week 2: Advanced ReactJS Concepts | Context API | Hooks | Routing | Styling | Code Splitting
Context API
Downlaod Notes
Introduction to Context API
Creating and using context
Updating context
Advanced Hooks
Downlaod Notes
useReducer for complex state management
Custom hooks
useRef for DOM manipulation
Routing with React Router
Introduction to React Router
Setting up routes
Nested routes and navigation
Styling in React
CSS-in-JS with styled-components
CSS modules
Integrating with CSS frameworks
Code Splitting and Lazy Loading
Introduction to code splitting
React.lazy and Suspense
Dynamic imports
Error Boundaries
Handling errors in React
Creating error boundaries
Week 3: Introduction to NextJS | Pages and Routing | Data Fetching | API Routes | Styling in NextJS
Introduction to NextJS
Downlaod Notes
What is NextJS?
Differences between ReactJS and NextJS
Setting up a NextJS project
Pages and Routing in NextJS
Downlaod Notes
Creating pages in NextJS
Dynamic routing
Link component for navigation
Data Fetching in NextJS
Downlaod Notes
API Routes
Downlaod Notes
Creating API routes
Handling requests and responses
Integrating with external APIs
Styling in NextJS
Using CSS and Sass in NextJS
CSS-in-JS with styled-jsx
Tailwind CSS integration
Image Optimization
Downlaod Notes
Using the Image component
Optimizing images for performance
Week 4: Advanced NextJS Concepts and Deployment | SSG | SSR | Authentication | SEO
Static Site Generation (SSG)
Downlaod Notes
Understanding SSG
Building static sites with NextJS
Incremental Static Regeneration (ISR)
Server-Side Rendering (SSR)
Downlaod Notes
Understanding SSR
Implementing SSR in NextJS
Downlaod Notes
Implementing authentication in NextJS
Using Custom Hooks for authentication
Analytics and SEO
Downlaod Notes
Adding analytics to your NextJS app
SEO best practices
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Srb IT Solution